
Ardscoil Rís is a Voluntary Catholic Boys Secondary School established in 1972. The school is located at the junction of Griffith Avenue and Malahide Road, within walking distance of buses serving Clontarf Road, Howth Road, Malahide Road, Gracepark Road and Swords Road.

General Information

  • Management

    The school is under the trusteeship of the Edmund Rice Schools Trust and controlled by a Board of Management which includes representatives of our trustees, parents and teaching staff.

  • Curriculum

    All students are prepared for Junior and Leaving Certificate examinations in a wide range of subjects. A Transition Year Programme is available to students who wish to pursue a three-year Senior Cycle.

    The Catholic ethos pervades all aspects of school life in Ardscoil Rís. All classes follow the Religious Education Programme as designed by the Diocesan Religious Education Advisers. In addition a full programme of retreats, class Masses and other appropriate liturgical functions is organised. Students are encouraged to become directly involved in these functions through the selection of readings, music, etc.

    Junior Cycle

    Religion, Irish, English, Mathematics, History,

    Geography, Science, Physical Education,

    C.S.P.E., French, Business Studies,

    Technical Graphics, Materials Technology (Wood),

    Music, Spanish, S.H.P.E.

    Special Educational Needs

    Fully trained Learning Support teachers are available to work with those with special needs.

    Senior Cycle

    Transition Year Programme (Optional) and/or
    Traditional Leaving Cert. – Subject to availability

    Religion, Irish, English, Mathematics, History,

    Geography, French, Biology, Chemistry, Physics,

    Business, Accounting, Economics,

    Design & Communication Graphics, Spanish, Music,

    Construction Studies and Applied Maths

    Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme Module.

  • Guidance Counselling

    The school has a qualified guidance counsellor who provides a comprehensive careers information programme in addition to a counselling service for individual guidance, pupils are encouraged to examine career and Third Level options in the light of their aptitudes, ability and interests.

    Aptitude tests, mock interviews and career exhibitions are organised for the assistance of our pupils.

  • Parental Involvement

    Parents are encouraged to work in close contact with the school for the benefit of their sons. Formal contact is maintained through the Year Head and Form Teacher system. Parents meet individual subject teachers annually through Parent-Teacher meetings which are organised for each year group. Regular examination reports are issued to parents. The school has a very active Parents’ Council which supports the work of the school and makes a very positive contribution to school life. All our parents are encouraged to become involved in and support the work of our Parents’ Council.

  • Facilities

    The school possesses modern well equipped facilities for all facets of the curriculum. Of particular note are the specialist Computer Room, Woodwork, Design & Communications Graphics Room, Science Laboratories, Music Room, Oratory, Sports Hall.

  • Extra-Curricular Activities

    Through the availability of a specialist teacher a full programme of Physical Education for Junior Cycle is provided by the school.

    The very active involvement and encouragement of staff has helped Ardscoil Ris to establish a great tradition and reputation in sports such as gaelic football, hurling, athletics and basketball.

    Other sporting activities include golf and badminton.

    The availability of extensive playing fields and Sports Hall provide the impetus for such sporting achievements.

    Other activities include English debates, diospoireachtaí, public speaking, fund-raising on behalf of Third World charities, school yearbook, talent contest, and educational tours (including annual tours to the Continent) and local educational visits.

    Students are encouraged to participate in subject related national competitions. Opportunities for the personal development of our students are provided through their involvement in organising activities/events for themselves under the guidance of a member of staff. The school has an elected Students’ Council. Many of our students qualify for awards such as the Gaisce/Presidents Award annually.

  • The School’s Code of Behaviour

    The school provides an environment which encourages pupils to develop a keen sense of responsibility. The Code of Discipline is based on all pupils displaying a respect for people and property. It is felt that only through the provision of a stable well ordered environment can learning take place.

    A copy of the Code of Discipline is made available on enrolment and on the website – click here.

  • Uniform

    A school uniform of navy blue jumper (with school crest), blue shirt, school tie, school grey trousers and black shoes is worn by all pupils.

  • School Hours

    Opening times:

    08:30-15:30 Monday-Thursday
    08:30-12:45 Friday

    The building will be open to admit students 20 minutes prior to and 15 minutes after the official opening times. Supervision is provided between these times only unless otherwise stated.


Admission for the School Year 2025/2026

Admission Policy

The Admission Policy is available here.


Notice of Admission

The Notice of Admission is available here.



Admission into First Year for the Year 2025/2026

Admission into First Year for the Year 2025/2026 will open on 1st October 2024. The application form and full details of the admissions process will be posted here at that time.


Transfer from another school to Ardscoil Rís

(For any year group other than first year.)

The Transfer admission form is available here.

Please note however, that the school remains full to capacity and oversubscribed in each Year Group.