Upcoming Dates for the Diary
1. Thursday 23rd November 2023
6th Year Parent-Teacher Meeting
4.15pm – 6.45pm in the Sports Hall
2. Friday 24th November
School Concert in aid of the Zambia Immersion Fund
The concert takes place Friday 24th November 7.00pm (Back home in time for the Toy Show)
Admission Adults: €15 Students: €5. Tickets available at the door or can be purchased via this link: https://gofund.me/b70a4fe6 Use your email receipt on the night as proof of purchase.
3. Monday 27th November
Parents’ Council Meeting 7.30pm
If you would like something considered for the agenda or require further information, please contact Daithi, Fran or Claire parentscouncil@ardscoilris.com
4. Monday 4th December
School closed to students for mandatory Staff Training
5. Monday 20th November onwards
Annual Winter Clothing Collection
Our Annual winter collection of hats, scarves, gloves and socks in aid of the Capuchin Day Centre, Dublin, begins today. The Capuchin Day Centre assists people in need, particularly the homeless.
Students, staff and parents are invited to donate hats, scarves, gloves and socks to this worthy cause. All items must be brand new.
Items can be dropped into the main office from Monday onwards. Thank you.