School Updates
September 20, 2024
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We hope that all the students have settled well since returning from the summer break and are back into their routines. Please read the following updates for the coming week.
Food Village
Yesterday marked the launch of our lunch service for students. Over 100 students availed of the service and it ran very well.
A small number of students had to wait till the end to get their food, as their key tags had not been synced to their accounts or they had not downloaded the app. If your son is planning to avail of Food Village services, it is best to have the key tag synced and the phone app downloaded on your son’s phone, in case they misplace one.
Remember for Monday’s service of hot food you will need to order by Saturday evening at the latest.
Reading Week
Reading Week in Ardscoil begins next Monday and continues for the full week.
Every day at 1.30 there will be a 10-15 minute reading session for everybody in the school. Students are asked to bring in their own choice of reading material, be that a novel, a newspaper, a graphic novel or manga, for each day of next week, so that they can enjoy the 10-15 minute reading session.
Newspapers will be available daily and there will be readings and documentaries every day at lunch time in F1.