Non Uniform Day & Donations

December 8, 2022

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Tomorrow we will have a non uniform day for all students to raise funds for the Capuchin Day Centre. Students are to bring a €2 donation if they are taking part. Also, the school is still accepting donations of new hats, scarves, socks and gloves for both children and adults on behalf of the centre. We would be especially grateful for donations of children’s hats, scarves, gloves and socks. The last day for donations is December 13th.

You can read more about the work the Capuchin Day Centre does here:

Finally, the Student Council is also accepting donations of non-perishable food items on behalf of the SVDP. These can be brought into your sons Religion classes between now and the 16th Dec.

Thanks again for supporting these local charities and the crucial role they play in our communities.