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Health Service Executive Letter to School for Parents
October 12, 2021
12th October 2021
Dear Parent/Legal Guardian,
Many thanks for completing and returning the vaccination consent forms for your child who is a First Year Student. Unfortunately this year we will not be in a position to offer the school vaccination programme within the school setting.
The Mass Vaccination Centre at the National Show Centre, Stocklane Lane, Cloghran, Swords has been made available to us on Tuesday 26th, Wednesday 27th, Thursday 28th and Sunday 31st October. Parents who have already consented to the vaccinations (HPV Dose 1 and/or TDap) for their child will receive an appointment by text to have their child vaccinated at the National Show Centre. If you are unable to attend within this timeframe we will offer an opportunity to arrange the vaccinations at a later date.
Please note these vaccinations are a very important health intervention for your child.
On the day of the vaccination we ask you to observe the following:
Child needs to be well, wear a short-sleeved top and have eaten their breakfast/ lunch before they attend
There is no need to leave any time interval between the Covid vaccine and HPV/Tdap vaccinations.
Please do not attend if your child or any member of the family has Covid-19 or is awaiting a Covid-19 test result.
Kind Regards
School Immunisation Team