
Student wellbeing has been a priority in Edmund Rice schools for a number of years, as we have always focused on the holistic development of students as well as the academic wellbeing.

Wellbeing now is embedded in the curriculum and at the core of everything we do. There is overwhelming evidence that students learn more effectively when they are happy in their work, believe in themselves and feel supported by their school (NCCA).

Starting at Junior Cert, students will receive up to 400 hours of a wellbeing over the course of their 3 year cycle through Physical Education, SPHE, CSPE and Pastoral Care. ‘Managing Myself’ is one of the 6 key skills students will develop over the Junior Cycle. All subjects focus on aspects of wellbeing in their curriculum. By developing skills and competencies in individual subjects, students’ confidence and self belief will be greatly enhanced.

Parents and students can read more about wellbeing and the role it plays within the curriculum here.