Student Council

The Student Council in Ardscoil Rís acts as a voice for the students and tries to make the school a more comfortable and more enjoyable place to be. The Council meets every Wednesday to discuss a variety of issues and topics. Council members range from 2nd years to 6th years and are elected at the end of each school year. We would encourage as many of you as possible to apply at the end of each academic year.

Throughout the course of an academic year we play vital roles in numerous activities. We welcome the incoming 1st years on their induction day. We give the new students a tour of the school, answer questions and try to make their first day as positive an experience as was possible. We also hold our annual 1st year bonding quiz at the end of September to allow students to get to know each other better. Each year we have a St. Vincent de Paul hamper drive and as always, we’d like to extend a massive thank you to all who donated.

When we return to school in the next academic year, we hope to revive many of our annual events including the senior sleepout and the annual fundraising school walk in April/May. As well as this, we are always looking at new projects to take on. These include further coordination between different school extracurriculars including sport, drama, amber flag and green schools. We also plan to have a mural painted in the coming future to portray what the true meaning of our school community is. Students are always welcome to come forward to us with ideas on how to further improve school life.

All students are free to contact us at: