Green Schools

The Ardscoil Rís Green Schools Committee is a relatively new initiative and addition to our school’s extra-curricular activities. Established in January 2020, our goal is to create awareness amongst our school community around sustainability, recycling, and the protection of our environment.

We meet regularly to discuss plans for various activities that will serve to promote a more environmentally friendly community. We have many exciting things already underway and look forward to making our first application for a prestigious green flag in recognition of our whole school efforts.

This year our committee members are focusing on litter and waste management. In light of new waste such as face masks and sanitiser wipes we have labelled all of our bins to ensure they are correctly disposed of. We have surveyed the school to identify litter black spots and we are currently collaborating with our Student Council in the hopes of introducing reusable ASR water bottles with a view to banning single use plastic bottles from the campus. We hope to run an Environmental Awareness Week mid-way through the final term, hosting competitions, class quizzes, photography contests etc with lots of prizes up for grabs.

Green Schools is Ireland’s leading environmental management and award programme.