We have a very active and engaged Parents’ Council. We play a key role as one of the main stakeholders in Ardscoil Rís in supporting the school, students and most importantly each other as parents of students in Ardscoil.
Meetings take place each month during school terms and all parents in the school are invited to attend.
The parents’ council can be contacted on parentscouncil@ardscoilris.com or by making contact with any of the officers listed below:
Chairperson: Daithi O’Donohoe
Secretary: Frances Feeley
Treasurer: Claire Savage
Here in Ardscoil Rís we value the importance and tradition of our school uniform. It allows students to have a sense of belonging and being part of a community but importantly means that all our students are seen as equals.
The following items are essential parts of the uniform;
- School crested jumper
- Blue Shirt
- School tie
- Grey Slacks
- Black/brown shoes or black trainers (No trainers of multiple colours)
All of the above items can be ordered online here:
We no longer have an official school jacket. Students are free to wear their jacket of choice over their uniform jumper but not as a replacement for their uniform jumper. Jackets should not be worn indoors in the school in warm or moderate weather.
After School Study
At the end of each school day we try to encourage students to continue their academic endeavours through an After School Study Programme. For many students, with a lack of suitable and available workspaces at home, this is a valuable resource for them. There is a cost to availing of this.