Dear Parents/Guardians
The following is a summary of our school’s response to helping those less well-off this Christmas.
Friday 8th December
Non Uniform/Christmas Jumper Day
Students and staff are invited to wear something Christmassy and donate €2 in aid of the Capuchin Day Centre for the Homeless.
Monday 11th – Friday 15th December
Food Collection in aid of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (SVP)
Students and staff are invited to bring in non-perishable food items for our annual SVP food collection.
Transition Year “Santa Presents for SVP”
Students, staff and parents are invited to give a toy which will go to a child in need this Christmas.
Annual Winter Clothing Collection ends Monday 11th December
Our Annual winter collection of hats, scarves, gloves and socks in aid of the Capuchin Day
Centre, Dublin ends on Monday 11th December. The Capuchin Day Centre assists people in need, particularly the homeless. Students, staff and parents are invited to donate hats, scarves, gloves and socks to this worthy cause. All items must be brand new. Items can be dropped into the main office.