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3rd Year PTM
January 17, 2022
Dear Parents/Guardian of 3rd Years,
Following the successful running of an online Parent Teacher Meeting for 6th Years in November, the school has decided to continue with this format for the foreseeable future. It is our intention to run an online Parent Teacher Meeting for 3rd Year parents via Zoom on Wednesday 26th January. The meetings will begin at 16:15 and finish at 18:45.
The purpose of this letter is for parents to select their preferences which will allow us to set an individual time schedule for you. As with a regular parent-teacher meeting, it may not be possible for all parents to see all their son’s teachers and unfortunately this is unavoidable. Please follow the steps laid out below to register and prioritise the teachers you wish to see:
1. Log into your VsWare account either via the app or through this link: https://asrdublin.app.vsware.ie/
2. Your VsWare username was texted to you on Friday for the exam results.
3. Click ‘Personal Info’ and then ‘School’.
4. Take note of your son’s VsWare ID.
5. Go to PTM Organiser and click ‘Parent/Guardian Log In’: https://ptmorg.com/
6. Enter the school roll no. (60420L) and your son’s VsWare ID.
7. Select your son’s teachers in the order of preference you wish to see them. 1 being the highest priority and 10 being least. Selecting ‘0’ means you don’t need to see that teacher at all.
Click ‘I will attend the meeting. Please save my preferences.’
8. If you cannot attend at all simply click ‘Unable to attend’.
The booking system will remain open until 15.00 this Thursday 20th Jan . We will then be in touch the following week regarding protocols and your schedule for the day. The Zoom links will only be made available on the day of the meeting.